The page, printed on paper, is an acquerello divided in three scenes.
At the center we can see a rural scene; on the left, a little familiar scene in an internal; on the right two young men with baskets full of mushrooms.
The scenes are divided by Egyptian decorations .
I can’t recognize the novel or the theatrical work they are inspired by, the trait seems to be northern, the characters are dressed according to the XVII style with recalls to the Flemish art, visible in the care of particulars, especially of the dead natures.
On the recto, a beautiful sight of the Canal Grande in Venice is surrounded by a golden lithography. Here the group of venetians is dressed according to the age’s fashion.
The sticks are in ivory, they’re fretted and gold damascened.
April 23, 2013
Pierre Henri Biger explains that the scenes illustrated on the front side could represent a marriage's life allegory:
on the courtches, the wedding party
on the right the flattery
on the left the daily family's life.
The clothes come from the bretone tradition.
"Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail."
Leonardo Da Vinci